Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

What can the Vedas teach about modern technology?

If we follow the development of the western world, it is not rare to hear the phrase "It's very difficult to find the intersection between religion and technology are always in conflict." Really all that? Westerners generally would tend to justify this, they are rarely even found no core-core technology in their religion that Christians in general. What the Gospels do not mention technology? According to the publisher of the book "Hindu religion in the world" said if he was not satisfied with the teachings of their religion, thus forcing him to study other scriptures until he eventually falls in love with the Vedas and became his followers. What is the Gospel that wrong? To answer this question again we must realize that God will reveal the book in accordance with the time and place. What about the Vedas? Will suffer the same fate? Apparently not. Veda so complete and we only realized after researchers from the western express. They move to the Vedas for his knowledge, but we as a generation heir to waste and instead choose to be saved with small dictionaries are not comparable with the Vedas. All because of our own ignorance.

In the Atharva Veda VII.107.1 chapter mentions "Ava Divas tarayanti, Sapta suryasya rasmayah" meaning sun has seven types of rays, they are the source of rain. Still remember the colors of the rainbow? About the terbiaskan polikromatis light into seven types? Light is composed of two types, light such as sunlight and polikromatis monochromatic light, eg laser beam. By using pembias, on the basis of the difference angle deviation of each type of monochromatic light, the rays of sunlight as polikromatis can be split into seven parts, often called the color of the rainbow. Very convenient is not it?

Veda Yayur XVIII.40 chapter says "Susumnah suryarasmiscandrama susumnah" meaning sun, called susumna illuminate the moon. Does this not also evidenced by today's modern technology? What is worthy of religious groups that attacked Hindu radikanl today said the Vedas led his followers as the worshipers of the sun and the moon? Is not that just as the object of our concentration on the infinite majesty of God?

It turns out the basics of chemistry are also included in the veda. This is evidenced by the sloka in Atharva Veda III.13.5 chapters that mention "Agnisomau bibhratiapa it tah" means water consists of Oxygen and Hydrogen. It's exactly right, all water is composed of two elements, H2O for water. D2O for heavy water, ie water used in nuclear reactors PHWR as moderators. D is Deutrium, hydrogen with a neutron excess. Can we still say the Vedic culture as ancient cultures that old-fashioned? Yes Vedas are ancient, but this is the most modern of ancient documents that never existed.

The same is also mentioned in the Vedas "Tam it samanam vaninas virudhoantarvatis ca ca ca suvate vivaha" Plants produce vital air called a Samana (Oxygen) on a regular basis. Further in the Reg Veda VIII.72.16 mentioned "Adhuksat pipyusim urjam isam, Sapta suryasya rasmibhih" means the plants absorb energy from the sun is bergisi food. Let's see about photosintesis theory today. What do you know?

This is a small part-sloka sloka implinsit Veda which mentions the basics of modern theory. So many sloka sloka-kind that are still scattered in every part of the Vedas and waiting for our hands touched him for the welfare of mankind. Not only faction specific groups only.

Is there a scientific theory that shrouded the Vedas?
Obviously as Hindus we are already familiar with the book Itihasa, Smriti is very famous book that is the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Previously, let us compare the perception of the truth of the story Itihasa. Epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata was not just a mere fiction, but it really is a true story. This
evidenced by the finding of a bridge linking India with Sri Lanka as a mute witness to the story of the monkey army built the bridge in the Ramayana. The discovery of the ruins of the kingdom that sank in the ocean and is perfect with the story of the sinking of the kingdom of Krishna in the Mahabharata. And supported by many other reinforcing evidence, either historical objects, the writings of other books that relate closely to each other, until the apparition from space via satellite sensing. Let us look at the story that returns Rsi Wiyasa her virginity as usual, the story of the birth of Krishna who is none other satus through IVF technology and the birth of Pandavas through biotechnology cloning due to the Maharaja Pandu unable to perform its obligations as a husband. It turned out that the current technology such as plastic surgery, genetics technology to the emerging problem of cloning in the modern world in the 20th century has been inspired in the Vedic era that is so old. In the Mahabharata also mentioned about the possibility of a man can get without going through the help of her offspring. This was narrated when Maha Rsi Wiyasa wanted a son at the time the war lasted bharata Yuda. He issued a kama plot which eventually evolved into boys (Bhagawan Suka). Currently, a woman who wanted a descent without the presence of a man is truly to be realized. When is the story of the birth of biotechnology such as Bhagawan Like this would really happen in this time period?
Still remember about technology flyover proposed by Raka Sukawati Tjokorde? Apparently all this has been inspired by the Vedas, from King technique in the story of Ramayana. And even this invention are named according to the source of inspiration.

Nuclear Energy in the perspective of Vedic

This scattered-scattered Vedic technology that turned out very modern. There are even yet imagined by man until today had previously indescribable by the Vedas. Truly amazing is not it? Piece of writing on the knowledge of the technology is just a drop in the Vedas, there are many other amazing things from the vast ocean of Vedic knowledge. Now we come to the purpose of this paper is made, ie how the nuclear relationship as a field of study am I in this moment with the Hindu Vedas as scriptural. Nuclear energy appears on the theory of materials with energy kesetaran voiced by Einstein with a very famous formula, E = m C2. A discovery of a very mencengakan even deliver it as a predicate terjenius people in the world. But may differ ceritranya with an expert who heard the discovery of Veda Einstein, why? II.72.4 In the chapter mentioned in the Rigveda "Aditer dakso ajayata, daksad uaditih pari" means: From Aditi (material) proper home (energy) and of the proper (energy) came from Aditi (material). It turns out that mencengakan theory has been written long before the ancestors of Albert Einstein was born. So who's more powerful, what Einstein Vedas? Here's documents with Almighty God without blemish. The gaffe simply because we find our own limitations of thought covered by the virtual, and stupidity.
Given the equivalence of energy and matter theory, from the early 19th century was so rapid technological developments. Many of nature's secrets began to be revealed, but unfortunately turned out to us as young intellectuals are blind to the Hindu holy book itself. We are just waiting for someone to disclose it. Why not, it turns out the fact that the main source of energy on this earth is the sun mentioned in Rigveda II.13.6 chapters that mention "Yo bhojanam ca ca dayase vhardanam. Meaning: sun bergisi provide food to the universe. As we know in the sun (star) nuclear reaction, which is a fusion reaction between hydrogen nuclei into helium with the release of energy is very large. If we compare between the initial mass before the reaction with the reaction apparently occurred after the shrinkage of mass, the mass loss that is subsequently converted into energy which radiate all over and come to the planet Earth as the ultimate source of energy.

There is a sloka in the Atharva Veda XIII.3.10 chapter mentions "solar Yasmin arpitah Sapta sakam" means: God Almighty created the seven pieces of the sun / strong solar simultaneously. Maybe this sloka is the number of solar systems similar to our solar system with the sun there are seven centers in the Milky Way galaxy is one. And most probably in place, there was life on earth as though with a different hue. We prove it.

Back transferred to the nuclear reactions that occur in stars or the sun. In chapter I.164.43 Rgveda mentions "arad dhunam Sakamayam apasyam, visuva the enavarena" means: the sun on all sides surrounded by a strong gas. As we discussed above, the fusion reactions in a solar hydrogen fuel and produce waste products such as Helium. Based on analysis of the radiation and observation during a solar eclipse, the sun is mostly composed by elements of the gas, but because the force of gravity causes the density at the core of the sun is much larger than the exterior. Outermost regions of gravity gets the weakest and here outpouring flames and gases which has incredible speed, called the corona, such as what is disclosed above sloka. If we want to investigate the continuation of the nuclear reactions in the sun which in turn can support all living things can also be described quite accurately in many sloka sloka-Veda.

Let us look at the nuclear era in the history of the Vedas. There is a unique discovery that mentioned in former war areas kuru now there are a source of radiation high enough that centered only on this area. If we draw a relationship between the weapons are said to have high explosive power of Arjuna and the great gun-knight's other ksartia that exploded in Bharata Yuda, what is not possible if the weapons used contain radioactive elements?

In the battle between Arjuna with Asvatama also narrated the use of magic weapon that can Brahmasirah flames of the mountain. Any weapon that can release energy that way? Suppose petroleum, need how many barrels of oil? While the nuclear fuel only need about one gram of it. One more story
very interesting as told in mausala Parwa, namely the explosion of weapons that cause destruction of the nation mausala Vrishni and simultaneously sinking into the seabed Krisna kingdom. With our technology today, what a weapon that could destroy sedasyat? Hydrogen bomb? Bomb from uranium or other? Only the good nuclear fission reaction (cleavage, for example on Uranium) or fusion (union, for example hydrogen bomb), which has destroyed the power that way.

How can we deny these truths? All contents of the Vedas that we know to be true is just a small portion of truth which has been proved by humans, while there is still saved a lot of truths that can not be known by human methods. All because of ignorance and stupidity we are blind to the truth of the sacred Vedas.


If we follow the development of the western world, it is not rare to hear the phrase "It's very difficult to find the intersection between religion and technology are always in conflict." Really all that? Westerners generally would tend to justify this, they are rarely even found no core-core technology in their religion that Christians in general. What the Gospels do not mention technology? According to the publisher of the book "Hindu religion in the world" said if he was not satisfied with the teachings of their religion, thus forcing him to study other scriptures until he eventually falls in love with the Vedas and became his followers. What is the Gospel that wrong? To answer this question again we must realize that God will reveal the book in accordance with the time and place. What about the Vedas? Will suffer the same fate? Apparently not. Veda so complete and we only realized after researchers from the western express. They move to the Vedas for his knowledge, but we as a generation heir to waste and instead choose to be saved with small dictionaries are not comparable with the Vedas. All because of our own ignorance.

In the Atharva Veda VII.107.1 chapter mentions "Ava Divas tarayanti, Sapta suryasya rasmayah" meaning sun has seven types of rays, they are the source of rain. Still remember the colors of the rainbow? About the terbiaskan polikromatis light into seven types? Light is composed of two types, light such as sunlight and polikromatis monochromatic light, eg laser beam. By using pembias, on the basis of the difference angle deviation of each type of monochromatic light, the rays of sunlight as polikromatis can be split into seven parts, often called the color of the rainbow. Very convenient is not it?

Veda Yayur XVIII.40 chapter says "Susumnah suryarasmiscandrama susumnah" meaning sun, called susumna illuminate the moon. Does this not also evidenced by today's modern technology? What is worthy of religious groups that attacked Hindu radikanl today said the Vedas led his followers as the worshipers of the sun and the moon? Is not that just as the object of our concentration on the infinite majesty of God?

It turns out the basics of chemistry are also included in the veda. This is evidenced by the sloka in Atharva Veda III.13.5 chapters that mention "Agnisomau bibhratiapa it tah" means water consists of Oxygen and Hydrogen. It's exactly right, all water is composed of two elements, H2O for water. D2O for heavy water, ie water used in nuclear reactors PHWR as moderators. D is Deutrium, hydrogen with a neutron excess. Can we still say the Vedic culture as ancient cultures that old-fashioned? Yes Vedas are ancient, but this is the most modern of ancient documents that never existed.

The same is also mentioned in the Vedas "Tam it samanam vaninas virudhoantarvatis ca ca ca suvate vivaha" Plants produce vital air called a Samana (Oxygen) on a regular basis. Further in the Reg Veda VIII.72.16 mentioned "Adhuksat pipyusim urjam isam, Sapta suryasya rasmibhih" means the plants absorb energy from the sun is bergisi food. Let's see about photosintesis theory today. What do you know?

This is a small part-sloka sloka implinsit Veda which mentions the basics of modern theory. So many sloka sloka-kind that are still scattered in every part of the Vedas and waiting for our hands touched him for the welfare of mankind. Not only faction specific groups only.

Is there a scientific theory that shrouded the Vedas?
Obviously as Hindus we are already familiar with the book Itihasa, Smriti is very famous book that is the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Previously, let us compare the perception of the truth of the story Itihasa. Epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata was not just a mere fiction, but it really is a true story. This
evidenced by the finding of a bridge linking India with Sri Lanka as a mute witness to the story of the monkey army built the bridge in the Ramayana. The discovery of the ruins of the kingdom that sank in the ocean and is perfect with the story of the sinking of the kingdom of Krishna in the Mahabharata. And supported by many other reinforcing evidence, either historical objects, the writings of other books that relate closely to each other, until the apparition from space via satellite sensing. Let us look at the story that returns Rsi Wiyasa her virginity as usual, the story of the birth of Krishna who is none other satus through IVF technology and the birth of Pandavas through biotechnology cloning due to the Maharaja Pandu unable to perform its obligations as a husband. It turned out that the current technology such as plastic surgery, genetics technology to the emerging problem of cloning in the modern world in the 20th century has been inspired in the Vedic era that is so old. In the Mahabharata also mentioned about the possibility of a man can get without going through the help of her offspring. This was narrated when Maha Rsi Wiyasa wanted a son at the time the war lasted bharata Yuda. He issued a kama plot which eventually evolved into boys (Bhagawan Suka). Currently, a woman who wanted a descent without the presence of a man is truly to be realized. When is the story of the birth of biotechnology such as Bhagawan Like this would really happen in this time period?
Still remember about technology flyover proposed by Raka Sukawati Tjokorde? Apparently all this has been inspired by the Vedas, from King technique in the story of Ramayana. And even this invention are named according to the source of inspiration.

Nuclear Energy in the perspective of Vedic

This scattered-scattered Vedic technology that turned out very modern. There are even yet imagined by man until today had previously indescribable by the Vedas. Truly amazing is not it? Piece of writing on the knowledge of the technology is just a drop in the Vedas, there are many other amazing things from the vast ocean of Vedic knowledge. Now we come to the purpose of this paper is made, ie how the nuclear relationship as a field of study am I in this moment with the Hindu Vedas as scriptural. Nuclear energy appears on the theory of materials with energy kesetaran voiced by Einstein with a very famous formula, E = m C2. A discovery of a very mencengakan even deliver it as a predicate terjenius people in the world. But may differ ceritranya with an expert who heard the discovery of Veda Einstein, why? II.72.4 In the chapter mentioned in the Rigveda "Aditer dakso ajayata, daksad uaditih pari" means: From Aditi (material) proper home (energy) and of the proper (energy) came from Aditi (material). It turns out that mencengakan theory has been written long before the ancestors of Albert Einstein was born. So who's more powerful, what Einstein Vedas? Here's documents with Almighty God without blemish. The gaffe simply because we find our own limitations of thought covered by the virtual, and stupidity.
Given the equivalence of energy and matter theory, from the early 19th century was so rapid technological developments. Many of nature's secrets began to be revealed, but unfortunately turned out to us as young intellectuals are blind to the Hindu holy book itself. We are just waiting for someone to disclose it. Why not, it turns out the fact that the main source of energy on this earth is the sun mentioned in Rigveda II.13.6 chapters that mention "Yo bhojanam ca ca dayase vhardanam. Meaning: sun bergisi provide food to the universe. As we know in the sun (star) nuclear reaction, which is a fusion reaction between hydrogen nuclei into helium with the release of energy is very large. If we compare between the initial mass before the reaction with the reaction apparently occurred after the shrinkage of mass, the mass loss that is subsequently converted into energy which radiate all over and come to the planet Earth as the ultimate source of energy.

There is a sloka in the Atharva Veda XIII.3.10 chapter mentions "solar Yasmin arpitah Sapta sakam" means: God Almighty created the seven pieces of the sun / strong solar simultaneously. Maybe this sloka is the number of solar systems similar to our solar system with the sun there are seven centers in the Milky Way galaxy is one. And most probably in place, there was life on earth as though with a different hue. We prove it.

Back transferred to the nuclear reactions that occur in stars or the sun. In chapter I.164.43 Rgveda mentions "arad dhunam Sakamayam apasyam, visuva the enavarena" means: the sun on all sides surrounded by a strong gas. As we discussed above, the fusion reactions in a solar hydrogen fuel and produce waste products such as Helium. Based on analysis of the radiation and observation during a solar eclipse, the sun is mostly composed by elements of the gas, but because the force of gravity causes the density at the core of the sun is much larger than the exterior. Outermost regions of gravity gets the weakest and here outpouring flames and gases which has incredible speed, called the corona, such as what is disclosed above sloka. If we want to investigate the continuation of the nuclear reactions in the sun which in turn can support all living things can also be described quite accurately in many sloka sloka-Veda.

Let us look at the nuclear era in the history of the Vedas. There is a unique discovery that mentioned in former war areas kuru now there are a source of radiation high enough that centered only on this area. If we draw a relationship between the weapons are said to have high explosive power of Arjuna and the great gun-knight's other ksartia that exploded in Bharata Yuda, what is not possible if the weapons used contain radioactive elements?

In the battle between Arjuna with Asvatama also narrated the use of magic weapon that can Brahmasirah flames of the mountain. Any weapon that can release energy that way? Suppose petroleum, need how many barrels of oil? While the nuclear fuel only need about one gram of it. One more story
very interesting as told in mausala Parwa, namely the explosion of weapons that cause destruction of the nation mausala Vrishni and simultaneously sinking into the seabed Krisna kingdom. With our technology today, what a weapon that could destroy sedasyat? Hydrogen bomb? Bomb from uranium or other? Only the good nuclear fission reaction (cleavage, for example on Uranium) or fusion (union, for example hydrogen bomb), which has destroyed the power that way.

How can we deny these truths? All contents of the Vedas that we know to be true is just a small portion of truth which has been proved by humans, while there is still saved a lot of truths that can not be known by human methods. All because of ignorance and stupidity we are blind to the truth of the sacred Vedas.


2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Great article about vedas.

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Unknown mengatakan...

Dear sir, you have very vivid imagination by retrofitting day science and technology with a magic wand of Vedas and your clever screwing up to say if there something is there at once you makes mountains out if mole hills to exaggerate imagine and create the present knowledge in terms of past commonsense issue. Any farmer knows, seed sun light and water are needed for plant to grow grain. Rain bow colors very evident and paint 7 colors but they are due to our 3 visual pigments. By frequency doubling can change infrared to green . There are no colors but continuous grades of interchangeable energy in the whole electro magnetic spectrum visible and invisible but all interchangeable. If Vedas were so smart why do called gods did not produce written language for thousands of years. Why literacy rate less than 1% of population why no valid proofs WHY NO USEFUL APPLICATIONS TO PUBLIC and why discrimination of masses and females was rampant.

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